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Published by Published on June 19, 2009

Thanks to Sarah for letting us know, the trailer for Abigail’s film “Zombieland” has been released today =D It looks like such a fantastic film, and Abby looks awesome =D You can watch it on youtube here and hopefully we’ll have a HD version soon =) A HD version of the trailer is available on Apple. Click here to check it out and we should have some caps in the gallery very soon =)
Also, if anyone is interested, you can follow the film on twitter: @zombieland. There are only 2 updates at the moment as the film release gets closer there might be some interesting stuff posted on there =)

{Later} Abigail is featured in the June 2009 issue of Portrait Magazine – and online magazine. Check out the article here. It’s really nice about Abigail =)
I have also just updated all the affiliates and elite affiliates. If you applied and don’t see your link it means I didn’t get your email, so be sure to write again =)

{Even Later} Dani here. I added screencaps from the “Zombieland” trailer to the gallery. You can find them here.

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